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Medicaid Planning Lawyers in White Plains

Offering Knowledgeable and Compassionate Legal Services

As you age, you may be facing the realization that nursing home care and in-home care can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Applying for Medicaid is a great way to pay for home care services and any other needs you may have. However, because Medicaid has many complicated qualification rules, planning ahead before starting your Medicaid application is essential. Working with a team of elder law attorneys is the best way to reorganize your assets to ensure you can stay in control of your money while also being eligible for Medicaid assistance.

At the Law Offices of Patricia G. Micek PLLC, our team has years of experience helping clients secure Medicaid eligibility while also maintaining control of their assets. By working with a member of our team, you can ensure your money and your long-term care needs are well taken care of without having to drain your assets. For more information about Medicaid planning and to speak to a member of our team, call our law office today at 914-533-1756.

What Medicaid Issues Can You Assist With?

Our team is here to assist you with any estate planning or elder law issue you have, and we can help save your assets even in a crisis situation if a Nursing Home admission is required. We know what it takes to be eligible for Medicaid, and we stay up to date with legislative and regulatory rule changes regarding eligibility.

Below are just some of the Medicaid issues we can help you with:

  • Irrevocable trust: You can protect your assets using a Medicaid asset protection trust. Because you can be your own trustee, you do not lose control of these assets. You can assign someone to step in if you pass away or become incapacitated.
  • Nursing home Medicaid: Nursing home services qualify for Medicaid assistance. We can offer advice on which nursing home to apply to if this option is right for you.
  • Home care Medicaid: If you or your loved one would like to remain at home, we can show you how to qualify for free long-term care at home with aides, and avoid the nursing home completely.
  • Spousal refusal: If your spouse refuses to help pay for your long-term care costs, you can use that fact to qualify for Medicaid.

Long-term care planning is essential and can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future. A Medicaid attorney on our team would be happy to review your specific circumstances and advise you on how to qualify for free care at home while still protecting all of your assets and your loved ones’ inheritance. Contact our office today for more information.

What Are the Benefits of Medicaid Planning?

If you would like to be a Medicaid recipient, you cannot make mistakes on the application. Even simple errors can cause your application to be delayed, keeping you from receiving the benefits that you are entitled to.

Other reasons to talk to our team about Medicaid planning include the following:

  • Protecting family assets from the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program
  • Ensuring assets remain protected so they can be inherited by children and grandchildren
  • Paying for long-term care, including at-home care and nursing home care

Health insurance likely won’t cover all of your medical costs as you age. It is essential to plan ahead for any need that arises, whether you are doing it for yourself or for a family member. It is never too early to start planning for the future.

What Are the Main Medicaid Planning Strategies?

There are a few Medicaid strategies that you may use, and each one will depend on your financial situation. Our team will sit down with you and learn more about your specific circumstances before making recommendations about your Medicaid strategies.
Below are some potential strategies that could be useful for you:

Income Protection

When determining eligibility, Medicaid counts your income as an asset. Your application could be denied if your income is more than the resource limit. Our team can help you create a Miller Trust or use other tools.

Asset Protection

Too many assets can make you ineligible for Medicaid services. With the right kind of trust, you can maintain control over your money and property without having to “spend down” your assets. You can maintain your current lifestyle while still receiving the long-term care you want.

Home Protection

Medicaid is repaid for the program it provides during your lifetime. After you pass away, Medicaid can pursue assets in your estate, including your home. Our team can help protect your home so that NO creditor can ever touch it and it passes to your loved ones without going through the probate process.

How Can a Medicaid Planning Lawyer Help Me?

For married couples and single senior citizens, Medicaid planning is a big concern. As you get older, you may need to take advantage of services like Medicaid to pay for your medical care costs. Unfortunately, assets like property, bank accounts, and investments can make you ineligible for this assistance, requiring you to deplete your assets to pay for your own care out of pocket.

By working with our team at the Law Offices of Patricia G. Micek PLLC, you can use special types of trusts and other estate planning tools to protect your assets while maintaining eligibility. It is never too early to start considering long-term healthcare costs and how you will pay for them. Your community Medicaid program is there to help you pay for your long-term care, and you should be able to use that service to help you as you age. For more information about Medicaid planning and how you can maintain eligibility, contact our law office by calling 914-533-1756.