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Elder Law Lawyers in White Plains

Providing Compassionate and Experienced Legal Counsel

As you age, many new areas of the law may become a concern for you. Asset protection, long-term care cost protection, and Medicaid benefits are all factors that might be on your mind. Elder law issues are complex, and unfortunately, many of the laws are often changing, making them difficult to work through on your own.

Working with an elder law lawyer is the best way to safeguard your assets and create a long-term care plan for yourself as you age. Whether you’re nearing retirement or it’s still years away, it is never too early to create legal documents with your wishes for the future. We at the Law Offices of Patricia G. Micek PLLC has years of experience in elder law matters, from retirement benefits to nursing home costs. If you would like to talk about your legal needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to an elder law attorney on our team. Contact our office today by calling 914-533-1756.

What is Elder Law?

Long-term care needs, nursing home care, and asset protection are just some of the legal issues that elder law can cover. As you age, you may find yourself dealing with legal matters you haven’t encountered before, which can be difficult. An elder law attorney on our team will walk you through these legal issues to ensure you have the resources and are able to get the benefits you need. We can also refer you to other working professionals who can help with your goals.

Without the right plan for your assets, your hard-earned money could be drained by nursing home costs and other long-term care or medical bills. By working with our team and using our customized estate planning tools, you can ensure that you are protected from these significant expenses. With over two decades in the industry and experience helping our own aging loved ones, we are confident that we can create a personalized legal strategy that is right for you.

Our elder law legal team can also help you qualify for in-home care with aides to avoid spending your golden years in a nursing home. One-on-one care in your own home is far superior to the care that a nursing home provides, and many aging adults find it more comforting to remain in their homes instead of moving to a new environment. You get the free long-term care that your are entitled to, and avoid the nursing home completely. Even if you are on dialysis, are on oxygen, are blind, or are bedridden, we are confident that we can help you find in-home care that’s right for you.

It is never too early to start planning for your future medical care and how you’ll pay for it. Most clients start planning in their early sixties, but we recommend you start sooner if you have a serious medical condition. For more information about what we can help you with, contact our law office today.

We can help ensure that your hard-earned assets go to your loved ones, and not to the nursing home!

What Does Elder Law Cover?

Because the term elder law is fairly broad, it can be hard to determine exactly what legal issues it covers. Fortunately, our team can help you with any elder law issues that may arise in your family. We have been through these same issues with our own families.
Below are the areas our team is experienced in:

  • Estate planning: Creating wills, trusts, and other documents to reduce tax liability, probate costs and protect your assets so they are not lost during your lifetime.
  • Family issues: Helping to prevent or resolve potential family conflicts before they arise.
  • Planning for disability: Drafting a power of attorney and health care proxy to have someone that you trust in charge of your finances & healthcare decisions if you are laid up, either short-term or long-term. This also prevents the courts from appointing a stranger to make these decisions for you.
  • Elder abuse issues: Preventing financial abuse, physical abuse, and neglect.
  • Long-term care: Nursing home costs, home care, and assisted living facilities.
  • Avoiding Guardianships: Advice on how to prevent the courts from appointing a stranger to take over your assets and your care.
  • Legal capacity counseling: Advice on legal issues for you or your guardian.

If you don’t see your legal issue listed above, reach out to our law office today. We are confident that with our decades of experience, we can assist you with any elder law matter you are facing.

Can Elder Law Lawyers Help Me Obtain Free Long-Term Care?

Many people are concerned about the cost of long-term care as they age. Fortunately, our team can help you plan for the future by protecting your resources and helping you qualify for the free long-term care at home that New York State provides, so that you never have to worry about going into a nursing home.

Medicare is a health insurance and does not cover long-term care costs. With the right planning, we can help you or your loved one secure full coverage for your long-term care needs as they arise in the future, without having to “spend down” your own assets and live in poverty at the end of your life.

You do not have to drain your assets just to qualify for the long-term care you require. We can help you maintain your current lifestyle and qualify for the assistance you need, while you maintain your same standard of living and keep all of your assets.

What’s the Difference Between Elder Law and Estate Planning?

Elder law and estate planning are similar, but there are some key differences between them. Estate planning documents typically focus on asset distribution after an individual passes. This includes creating a will, trusts, and LLCs. Estate plans typically do not focus on the needs of senior citizens while they are still alive.

Elder law, on the other hand, is focused on the needs of the individual and protecting their assets before they pass away, so that they don’t lose them during their lifetime. Seniors often have different needs, including long-term care planning, retirement planning, and income distribution, that must be addressed right away. Family members can be helpful when assisting with issues like these, but an experienced elder law attorney who is familiar with the legal system is an integral part of this planning process.

Our team can provide help with both estate planning and elder law issues. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.

Do I Need an Elder Law Lawyer?

If you or your loved one is aging, there are many asset protection and long-term care considerations you must take into account. Neglecting to plan for long-term care and other costs can mean that you will lose all of your assets during your lifetime and not have anything left to pass on to your family. By seeking assistance from an experienced elder law lawyer, you can create a comprehensive plan to protect your assets and your health, and be sure that your assets go to your loved ones and nowhere else.

At the Law Offices of Patricia G. Micek PLLC, we have over two decades of experience in the elder law industry. We will work with you to accomplish your goals and create a comprehensive legal plan to benefit you and your family now and for years to come. For more information, contact our office today by calling 914-533-1756.